Estimated Delivery Time

Below are the estimated delivery dates to each country for both shipping options we currently have. To check which countries are under a destination, click on the arrow ( ) beside the destination.

AirMail with Tracking No. & Insurance (Free Shipping Worldwide) Express Delivery (Expedited)
Destination Days Days
USA 8 to 14 3 to 4
Canada 8 to 14 3 to 4
United Kingdom 6 to 12 3 to 4
Europe 9 to 18 3 to 5
Australia, New Zealand 6 to 12 2 to 4
Asia 4 to 10 2 to 3
India, Pakistan 14 to 22 4 to 7
Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine 12 to 20 3 to 5
Mexico 12 to 20 3 to 5
Middle East 14 to 22 4 to 8
South America 16 to 28 5 to 8
Africa 16 to 22 5 to 8
Rest of the World 18 to 30 5 to 9

*If you do not receive the item(s) within 30 days, please contact us via email at

Our Shipping Providers


Hong Kong Post Singapore Post Royal Mail Netherlands Post
Express Shipping

Aramex DHL EMS FedEx UPS